June 9, 2015
India, China and some Southeast Asian countries have expressed
interest in buying new equipment on the Armata platform. According to
Vladimir Kozhin, the President’s aide on Military Technical Cooperation,
this interest is despite the fact that the Armata is expensive. But can
the Armata be made available to them?
Armata for “dessert”
India and China are among countries which have shown interest in acquiring the new T-14 ‘Armata’ tank, Russia’s most advanced tank which was unveiled at the 70th Anniversary commemorative Victory Day celebrations in Moscow last month.
Armata technology may be used for Indian armoured vehicles, and could replace the existing main battle tanks ‘Arjun’ and other armoured carriers, a researcher at a leading Indian think tank said.
“India needs more advanced technologies, considering the dynamic growth of the neighbours' armament”, Dr Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, senior research fellow in the field of defence and security at the ‘Observer Research Foundation’ (ORF) said in an interview to RIR.