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пятница, 29 июня 2012 г.
Т-90С в Алжире
К сожалению, фото и видео изображения танков Т-90С, поставленных в Алжир, редки, тем ценнее материал, любезно предоставленный уважаемым DIDO
1. And what, Morocco is going to attack Algeria? 2. In Morocco still there are no tanks Abrams 3. In Algeria there is 186 Т-90S + a new delivery ≈ 360-380 4. By results of research VNIITM fire power indicators (number of the amazed tanks in unit of time taking into account time of their search) tanks T-90A/SA in day conditions in a defensive situation more, than in 2 times above in comparison with similar indicators for tank M1A2 in an offensive situation; in night conditions these indicators as above almost in 2 times. I will notice that speech here about М1А2 - much more advanced tank, rather than М1А1SA.
The conclusion arises with sm itself: 200 tanks Abrams to Morocco do not represent threat for Algeria which is armed tanks T-90SA.
In my opinion, it is expedient to Algeria to finish modernisation of available park T-72M1, to spend the second stage of their modernisation with protection strengthening. And then it is possible to think and of acquisition of one - two battalion complete sets Т-90МS. The last already for a full guarantee of safety. Т-90МS it is necessary to transfer in the most prepared, elite parts.
Is the Algerian T-90SA enough to face 200 Moroccan M1A1SA or do they need the T-90MS ?
ОтветитьУдалить1. And what, Morocco is going to attack Algeria?
Удалить2. In Morocco still there are no tanks Abrams
3. In Algeria there is 186 Т-90S + a new delivery ≈ 360-380
4. By results of research VNIITM fire power indicators (number of the amazed tanks in unit of time taking into account time of their search) tanks T-90A/SA in day conditions in a defensive situation more, than in 2 times above in comparison with similar indicators for tank M1A2 in an offensive situation; in night conditions these indicators as above almost in 2 times. I will notice that speech here about М1А2 - much more advanced tank, rather than М1А1SA.
The conclusion arises with sm itself: 200 tanks Abrams to Morocco do not represent threat for Algeria which is armed tanks T-90SA.
In my opinion, it is expedient to Algeria to finish modernisation of available park T-72M1, to spend the second stage of their modernisation with protection strengthening. And then it is possible to think and of acquisition of one - two battalion complete sets Т-90МS. The last already for a full guarantee of safety. Т-90МS it is necessary to transfer in the most prepared, elite parts.
Thank you for your quick reply